I wasn’t looking for or expecting real change in 2010, but God had other plans.

The year began, as many do, with an assessment of my life. I am not one to make resolutions because I am a pressure-prompted individual. Resolutions work best for those who apply that resolve over the course of time. I do, however, see the benefit of taking stock on occasion. When I looked at my life in January of 2010, I was dissatisfied. A phrase that a friend has said kept running through my head: “Something has got to give.”

I was driving along in my car just before my birthday and thinking about what needed to “give” in the year to come. I thought, “Maybe I simply need to make myself a priority this year,” but that didn’t feel right. I continued (probably out loud, knowing me), “No, that’s not it. I need to make that which God has for me a priority. Yeah, I like that. That which He has for me. That’s my goal for the year.”

I didn’t really think much of it at the time. It sounded like a good goal and I liked the way it rolled off my tongue. I would later check with a friend to make sure it was a grammatically correct goal before making it the name of my blog, but in that moment in the car, I didn’t feel it was particularly monumental. I was wrong.

In retrospect, saying that  I want to be about “that which He has for me” is a bit like saying, “Here I am God, send me.” While that wasn’t where my head was at the time, it represents where my heart was and is. This blog is intended to chronicle the journey that started in that moment. A survey of my life indicates that things have been building and moving in this direction for some time, but my intention is talk about the past only as it is incorporated into the tales of this new part of my journey.

I pray these tales are an encouragement to someone along the way.